A red and white lion logo and spare car keys on a white background.

Have you misplaced or smashed your Holden car key of recent and have been deliberating if it was possible to acquire another one quickly? Well, at Best Locksmith Brisbane, we speak the language of possibility. Not only do we make it possible, we make it swift.

It might seem burdensome for other locksmiths but our team of highly qualified technicians has it all under control.

For authentic keys or cost-effective aftermarket keys for your Holden motor vehicle, do call us. We possess both the genuine and the aftermarket keys in selections that match your budget.

Moreover, you can avoid the stress of towing your vehicle to a Holden dealer all by yourself. Best Locksmith Brisbane is always prepared to be of service. We owe our worthy clients comfort and so our qualified automotive locksmiths would come to see you anywhere you require our service, be it at your home or the office, or even in the car park of the beach!

Note down the year of your Holden vehicle, the fuel type, and the model and then give us a call today!


The VIN is an alphanumeric code comprising of numbers and letters – about 20 digits – which can be found on your vehicle’s paper works or on the vehicle itself. In a situation where it is difficult to find, take a look in your vehicle’s registration papers, stickers, or log books. You can also check on the back firewall of your vehicle’s engine bay.

If you are in doubt as to whether your vehicle has a Transponder Chip or not, please give us a call with the necessary car details on hand. Our pleasant customer service team is always available to assist you.


Excellence in Every Turn

We deliver unparalleled locksmith services through expert craftsmanship and perfection. Our commitment to exceptional customer service is backed by continuous training and mastery of the latest technology.

Expert Locksmiths

All our team members are professional locksmiths.

Fast & Reliable Services

Quick, dependable service for all your locksmith needs.

Quality Assured

Satisfaction first, payment after you're fully content.

No Obligation Quote

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